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Posts posted by okdlnbr

  1. This is a reply to an older question from chiefjojo about historic sites on Hillsborough.

    Yes, the National Art Interiors building at Glenwood is historic. In fact, their foundation is tied into the old bridge's foundation. There were concerns that work on the new bridge might damage their building- one of many reasons that construction shifted to the opposite side of the tracks, allowing the Innovations and Marsh Woodwinds building to be taken.

  2. Yes, the redevelopmet of this piece of property is a brilliant idea, but not as it's been designed. Just one traffic entrance, and that on a one-way street?! Bad idea. The residents of Franklin Street oppose an entrance on their street because of the traffic, but they're still going to get the traffic of residents and patrons crossing from Blount to Person, and I suspect that many of those drivers will be speeding across in irritation at having to drive all the way around the block, and then trying to catch a green light at Person.

    People familiar with the area should be able to envision the potentially more disastrous and dangerous scenario of folks coming south on Wake Forest, avoiding the round-the block nuisance by turning left onto Sasser (no stoplight), right onto Bloodworth, and right onto Franklin, then buzzing through the parking lot on the corner, straight across Person, into the plaza's driveway. Anyone who's experienced the mess on Sasser at Bloodworth and Wake Forest during a Salvation Army soccer game or church service will understand the inevitability of auto accidents and pedestrian injuries. The last thing this spot needs is more traffic! A traffic light on the other hand, that's something to support.

    A second entrance to the project, on either Blount or Franklin, is absolutely necessary for the safety of drivers and pedestrians in the area, for the convenience of its residents and guests, and for the feasability of the retail businesses. I don't think anyone wants it to become a new set of empty storefronts. Remember there already exists an entrance on Franklin.

    I can't wait to see this site revitalized, but hope that more thought goes into it.

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