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Posts posted by JaxNole

  1. Having to walk a mile from a commuter line to a destination when the humiture is 110 means the mass transit system serves nobody's needs.


    That's funny. I've done it in Boston, on inclines and declines, and New York as have many millions of others have. Philadelphia's SEPTA can vouch through its ridership data. Heck, let's even consider DC's Metro.

    The myopia that has plagued the city for generations will only intensify. These alternative modes of transportation are not designed to be functional for a short period of time. A paradigm shift would probably take three generations so that a group of teenagers waiting at a commuter station to go to the beach will not be an unfamiliar site. During that shift, revenues would exceed costs, but it certainly won't happen the year it's completed; not even five or 15 years.

    Sure, maintenance and upgrades require money, but the other side of the financial impact is that those who don't have transportation modes (e.g., automobiles), will have access to greater mobility while paying a nominal transportation fee. I often rode the T in Boston with people who looked homeless who had montly unlimited passes to ride the subway. With this, one could actually be employed at the burgeoning office parks littered south and east of the river and possibly add a significant increment to the bank account. Insurance premiums of those who opt for mass transit would probably drop because of reduced use and gas expense would most likely decrease. An intangible benefit is that a family of five on a subway may appreciate being able to interact more, without the would-be driver trying to concentrate while the kids fight in the back and the other adult berates the would-be driver for not taking out the garbage. Anyway, transportation cost-analysis is mind boggling.

    The idea of mass transit is to move a significant amount of people who would otherwise be drivers or passengers in lower-capacity vehicles. Unfortunately, your trip provided little value. A college student living at home in a lower-income area who lacks a car could view this as a value-added alternative.

    No solution will appease or satisfy everyone. That is why there are multiple systems.

  2. I like being off-topic and resurrecting old threads.

    I am a Stanton graduate. I also attended when it was grades 7th-12th, from 1989 to 1995. I went to a Catholic school for K-2nd, the same elementary school from 3rd-5th (but had to ride the bus to a different school for gifted), and also rode the bus downtown to a 6th grade "center". I did well academically to gain admission to Stanton, partly because I did not want to go to the 7th grade center for my district: Eugene Butler. Had I continued, I would have attended Jeff Davis for 8th and 9th grades and finished at Forrest.

    So, to reply to the thread's question: No, I live in Riverside and commute to a site off I-95 and St Augustine Rd.

  3. Original Article


    Video: Proposed Transportation Hub

    By Melissa Ross

    First Coast News

    JACKSONVILLE, FL -- State transportation officials and the JTA are working on long-simmering plans to bring a huge new transportation complex to the Prime Osborn Convention Center that would unite Amtrak, Greyhound, JTA buses, and the Skyway in one big hub.

    The facility would cost $127 million, with both federal and state money funding the project.

    Council president Elaine Brown is meeting with Mayor Peyton next week to discuss plans for the proposed "Jacksonville Transportation Center," or JTC. The center would also feature a hotel, retail space, and pedestrian walkways.

    "It could be the hottest place in Jacksonville," said Brown, who conceded getting the funding will be a challenge.

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