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Posts posted by awitte3

  1. Now, I am not trying to plug myself and its just a personal market observation however, I have noticed a definate increase in sales at Solaire in the past month or so. More buyers have contacted me recently and I have closed on 3 condos since Solaire opened Feb 2007 with one more in pending from a contract i wrote on Labor Day. Most buyers are interested in one bedroom units compared to two bedroom units. They feel the two bedroom units are still overpriced at the current asking prices. ie: 390k range. I wish I could let them know the actual opening date of the cinema as that would be a definate plus.

    There is an old saying, "If you build it, they will come". Downtown Orlando is poised for an awesome explosion of activity. The Movie theatre will open, the Corona Cigar Co. will open, the Hair Salon will open, etc, etc. I think folk just need to have a little bit more patience, and optimism. Downtown Orlando, and especially The Plaza will once again be a huge success.

    On a personal note, I was born and raised in Orlando. I remember growing up and all I wanted to do was go Downtown to hang out. Whether it was eating dinner at the Olive Garden, or going to Terror on Church Street, or, just walking up and down Church and Orange, going Downtown was and will always be special for folks that live in Central Florida.

    I think people will be amazed at the support Downtown will get once these new stores open up. They may open up one at a time, but they are going to open and be hugely successful. People have always paid to park Downtown and they will again. People like to support their community, and I think we just need to have a little more patience and support, and all things will work out.

    My two cents.

    -a happy downtown orlando resident :)

  2. good golly, how embarrassing! shows how often i look up. :unsure:

    It is so funny how all of these rumors get started. I remember when the plaza/solaire was just at the beginning. The same skeptics started the same rumors that the buildings and the condo might not even go up! Well look at them now. They are truely amazing. The urban flats is generating better than expected sales and the Corona Cigar company will be huge. Slowly but, surley all the skeptics will be silenced. The plaza is and will always be the absolute best location for downtown, yes even with the parking. Also, parking tickets will be validated at the movie theatre and commercial venues for 50% off.

    The old addage is true: if you build it they will come. There is a lot of pent up demand for something as modern and amazing as what is in store for downtown orlando at the plaza. Patience is a virtue. :)

  3. True, I heard Nov. 1st. --over a year late from the original proposed date of Sept 2006. I know original proposed dates are rarely even close or accurate (more hype than anything), but over a year margin of error is a bit much.

    BTW, whats up with the other retail/restaurants. Urban Flats is opened, but I dont really see any activity in the other spaces.. i expected to see some construction by now.

    The great thing about the rest of the resturarants and venues is that all of them have everything set up and ready to go. It is just a timing thing now. Once they decide to "make it happen" it will all go up in a matter of weeks to months. Urban Flats's started the trend, and from talking to the managers there, they are doing a lot more business than they expected.

    Now, everyone else wants to start there final phazes of production. It will be just a matter of time until every venue, including the movie theater will be rockin and rollin!!

  4. The cinema going to open October 1st and Orlando Film Festival start Nov 8th. It is not going to be digital.

    It looks like the next venue to open up will be the Cold Stone Creamery. They look like they could be up and running within a month. Everytime I walk by, there is something finished and new in there... a lot of activity.

  5. no photo, but on the Court St. entrance along Pine St., there seems to be some sort of precast test panels that were placed between the brown vertical stair-stepped panels above the overhang. can these jokers possibly be considering facing the parking deck with this material?

    take a picture??

  6. Out of all of the similar designs in the different cities. Solaire is by far the nicest. You really have to look at the big picture. All three buildings really look great all together. Plus, this is the only one that has a movie theater, and all kinds of businesses moving in. No other city can compete with that! Also, the designs are similar, but they are not carbon copies by any means. They each have their own style, even though the basics are the same. Once all the final details are finished and all of the business are in full swing, this is going to be the biggest happening in Orlando's history. For the folks that are fortunate enough to actually be able to really live there, and even to the folks that will only visit the movie theater, etc., this is going to be huge. Even with the ups and downs in the market, a place with the best location, as is Solaire, the best amenities, as is Solaire, and the best value, as is Solaire, a place like this will always be able to weather the best storms and ultimatley be able to come out ahead. As for all the others, and all the speculators out there, not so much.

  7. As long as they don't build two of the same in the same city... who cares. It is an excellent looking building and design. Why shouldn't the developer go with something that works... Solaire and the commercial buildings are going to be great for Orlando, and that is all that should matter for us local folks.

  8. I am also having my girlfriend move in with me but when we did the orientation, nothing was said about her not being able to use the biometric system or the transponder. In fact, the woman doing the orientation tried to set her up in the system, but as I said, it was down. I don't think they can discriminate against someone that is not listed on the deed. Good luck neighbor.

    pics, pics, and more pics, please :)

  9. I would love to know where these rumors start. I said it before and I'll say it again, I will buy any unit that anyone wants to back out of. Units are listed at about 40% over pre-construction prices at solairecondosforsale.com.

    FrigginGr8est, I know somone who might be able to get you a unit at solaire... he did for me and I'm incredibly greatful. I thought after it sold out in less than a week that I'd never get to live there, but I got lucky. So contact me if you are interested.

  10. Im new to this forum, so hello. In my opinion Solaire is and will always be the One Condo in Downtown Orlando that will have and hold its value the best. First and foremost is the Location. It is in the heart of Downtown Orlando. (No need to get a cab to go downtown, when you live downtown). Second, all of the amenities. Third, the Movie Theatre. This is a huge amenity that will add an enourmous amount of value to these Condos. (Not to mention all of the upscale shops and restuarants being added) There might be others built around Downtown or close, but this is smack downtown. When it comes to Property it comes down to location, and value added features. Solaire ( whatever the full name may be called) will be the first place people will look when they want to move downtown, that is whey it sold out in less than a week, and why all the people that see it for its present and future value will sell it out again if their are some current spots open. :thumbsup:

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