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Posts posted by thatguy

  1. He is not in compliance to the points the NPS set forth for the tax credit. He started building before the finalized the review and the final draft had a ton of changes. Changes he did not have in his build. So he had to spend more money to correct the compliance issue. Who is the idiot developer? It is soely his fault for any issues that have developed.

    Is this his first development, cause he sure acts like he does not know what he is doing and lost a ton of money in the process.

    Heck the John Marshall developer may have seemed like an idiot because the building sat empty for many years and had a few false starts, but he was smart enough to stop and restart when funding was sound...and the john marshall is his first.

    How can this guy, French, pass himself off as real when everything shows to the contrary. Seems his answer for every mistake he made is to ask for a foreclosure in his favor or to have a contract redone into his favor. the guy can not take fault for anything he signed.

  2. "Don't call it a come back I've been here for years" (LL Cool J). Guess who is back with a vengeance! Its the developers of Echo Harbour. It has been 4 years since the development was first proposed. On April 26 after fixing all the issues with the city will hear the case again for the development. Then go to the planning commission on May 17. Then back to the city council for final approval. Hopefully everything is smooth sailing and we can see construction start on this next year!yahoo.gif

    Unfortunately the history buffs and the residents of Church Hill will try to find another excuse to hold it up.dry.gif

    "Echo Harbour Bounces Back"


    Echo Harbour website



    If this is permitted to proceed, expect a strong effort of resistance from the people who currently fish there. This site should be protected as one of Richmond's historic fishing spots. :stop:

  3. Washington Nationals. great article about their new stadium, $611 million! It has everything, but "There is one drawback. Parking around the stadium is almost non-existent". How can they make that work, yet every option for a new Stadium here has been shot down do to the same reason? Many cities have downtown stadiums that are successful without parking, yet we doom it to failure do to no parking. Are we smarter or just dumb3r?

  4. Oh, and that letter will be completely objective and expose all of the facts. Yeah, right! All it will do is make Mayor Wilder look like the good guy in all this.

    Did not mean to pass it off as 100% factual, but it is an interesting take and something that should be considered. Taken at "face value", but lets be honest, the news reported is often void of all the facts why should this be treated any different?

  5. I have yet to see anyone mention the fact that the stadium is not even owned by Richmond City, but by RMA, a coperative of Richmond, Henrico, and Chesterfield.

    I was just about to mention that...has anyone read Mayorgov Wilder's latest letter to the city? If not I'll post it, it covers the recent events regarding the Braves and why

  6. Here is another reason that we should not cry too loud for the Braves...

    From WWBT.com "Most of the city schools are in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, despite court orders to remedy the situation. The ADA mandates that schools must make reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities.

    Parents of disabled children say they have fought a long time for Richmond schools to make the changes.

    "I'm not asking them to do something that the courts haven't said they need to do, or that the federal government has said they need to do,

  7. ...And the domino effect begins.... Who said the Braves don't attract business? Doh!

    Not sure I would call it part of the domino theory...

    "Poseidon Foundation President Mary C. Doswell gave the same reasons for giving up on the Boulevard project as the Braves -- delay and uncertainty.

    "It just would take too much time," she said yesterday.

    The Chesterfield Board of Supervisors approved a rezoning for the sports complex this month, setting the stage for construction to begin as early as June and the project to be complete by the middle of next year.

    In contrast, Doswell said Richmond's consultant, The Staubach Co., estimated that the development of the Boulevard property would take three to five years."

    Sounds to me that they needed to move forward , regardless of the Braves

  8. This was Wilder's baby. If there was a lack of regional support, it was his job to gain it. It was his job to keep this project on track and to inform Atlanta about the process. Only one phone call was made from Richmond to Atlanta in the past 6 months. Who
  9. Sorry if someone has mentioned this, but did anybody else notice the mention in the article that a "soil roof" was an option on the townhouses. That is pretty friggin' remarkable for this area -- green roofs are supposed to substantially reduce the heat island effect and reduce runoff. It would, however, look a little odd if you were the only townhouse that chose that option and all your other neighbors had normal roofs.

    There are plenty of "green" roofs in the surrounding areas. Just look at peoples cedar shake roofs, with enough neglect anyone can get moss to grow...LOL

    That said, it would be odd to see one roof green and all other shingled. I bet very few people passing by would understand what was going on with that roof.

  10. News reports say that Chesterfield Town Center is second only to SPTC in sales. It's not like the area will be deprived of movie theaters since Carmack's 10 is just up the road. The cinemas at CTC are considered outdated in the movie industry.

    I fail to understand why White Oak will not get a multiplex. There are absolutely NO movie houses in that barren area.

    I think you just answered your own question. It might not seem possible, but theaters have trouble making money. That is the word I got from a guy who works in independent films.

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