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Posts posted by Thia

  1. According to a great history written by local Denelle Campbell this area was a primary early industrial area. The railroad has a wye at this location with a spur going east through Elkins to St. Paul. Most of this track has been torn up now. The area of the wye is where the concrete plant is located on Cato Springs Rd. just east of Razorback. The junction in this spot allowed for many early industries to thrive in this location (lumber, fence posts for the great plains, the Sligo wagon and wheel company, and later fruit and vegetable canning and poultry products). The area has a very rich history and it along with what was known as "Quicktown", now the mill district, provided the early blue collar jobs in south Fayetteville.

    Has Denelle Campbell authored a book or other publication? If so, what is the name of it and where can I get a copy? I'm interested to learn more about Fayetteville's history and this sounds like a great source.

  2. Sounds like we might not end up having the taller powerlines across Dickson. The Arkansas Public Service Commission has stated Fayetteville can comment but not intervene. This makes it sounds like to me that if SWEPCO really wants to put in the taller powerline poles then there's not really anyone who can stand in their way. I wonder if there's anything else the city could do to make things hard on SWEPCO, even if it's not related to this. Just something to try to put some leverage on them.

    I'm afraid that the new, taller power lines will be the future of Gregg Ave, crossing Dickson, Lafayette, and Maple. I really wish there was some kind of leverage that the city or property owners could use to implement an alternate solution.

    I would really like to hear someone from SWEPCO other than Deweese address this issue with interested parties in Fayetteville. His style of "communication" on this issue is not informative. I've heard him speak at three different meetings and each time has he has failed to answered specific questions with specific answers. About three months ago I contacted him via phone to see if I could cut through the rhetoric and understand the issue better... to get some facts... to get an informed SWEPCO perspective... but I ended the conversation in less than five minutes due to the evasiveness and ambiguity. It sure gives the impression that SWEPCO is in fact manipulating this process to avoid an open assessment of the alternatives.

    Deweese's latest comments (last week) included "you wouldn't want to put the lines underground anyway because the structures at either end of the buried lines are very large and would be close to Dickson Street." But he would not define "large structures", he could not offer photos, sketches, or suggested locations of these large structures. He is concerned that the request for burying the lines would not meet public expectations anyway.

    I also think it's terrible that the hearing is in LR for a Fayetteville issue and that to "intervene" in this process the property owner has to pretty much hire a lawyer to address the commission. So basically to address this issue with the commission someone has to have the resources of time, travel, and an attorney. And it appears that intervention is only available to property owners with the easements. All other interested parties can only make public statements.

    This is a tough issue and there may not be a "best" solution. But if the gigantic powerlines have to be the solution it would make more sense for the affected property owners, the city of Fayetteville, and other interested citizens of Fayetteville to have enough info to come to the same conclusion that SWEPCO has. My experience with this issue has been frustrating. I'm sure if I had $5m in my pocket to pay to bury the lines I (or others in the meetings I

  3. Not sure what you mean on the Old Train Station. The main difference is they used a different tile on the roof. Except for some differences with windows and doors the rest of the exterior is pretty much the same.

    The train station is on the National Register of Historic Places. The owner should have (but didn't) at the very least consulted the state preservation association for recommendations on new but compatible materials for their rehab. The roof and the windows are the deal breaker. If the depot was reassessed, this property would likely be delisted in its current state. Rehab is good; adaptive reuse is good. It would have been nice if the developers had learned about better options for the windows and roof before they make their decision. (This is the rare instance where AR is fortunate that preservation resources are so slim; it

  4. I wonder how much the rent is on the crane at the Renaissance site? It's been standing there for almost 4 months doing nothing. That is a interesting machine- I work close to it and one day when a storm front blew through the boom automatically moved about 90 degrees to line up with the wind direction shift. That's a hi-tech piece of equipment.

    Last week Alexander said the Renaissance is moving forward. In addition to the mgmt/admin work, some tangible work is being done to the foundations. That is not as obvious as building up... which is what we are all waiting for.

  5. i have some friends who live over on mt. comfort road just a little ways down from where it splits off from garland, past tony c's. they tell me that that road REALLY needs a sidewalk because there a lots of college students that live down there who walk to the bus stop in front of harps and who walk to harps and other places in that shopping center( i'm sure more would walk if it weren't so dangerous). that road is really narrow and since there are lots of college students who live in that area it is extra dangerous walking that road because you have young kids flying down it in their new mustangs that daddy has bought them. this strikes me and a problem that should have been addressed years ago. does anyone know if the city has any plans to put in some sidewalks or bike lanes on this part of mt. comfort road? i know they're repaving several streets in '07. hopefully they will do something about this.

    I think this area is one of the projects that was on the bond vote in 2006. www.accessfayetteville.com has been rearranged and I can't find the list of road projects. I was in a Ward 2 meeting a couple of weeks ago and the area around Mr. Burger, Harps, and Lucky's BBQ/Tony C's was being discussed by the aldermen and citizens when I walked in. I missed most of the discussion but know that there are changes being planned for that intersection both east and west. The city coordinates sidewalks with street improvements in addition to the annual plan for new and repaired sidewalks.

    And yes cocotheif is correct that the city will listen to citizen input as they consider prioritization of sidewalks. When you send your message to your aldermen cc: Kyle Cook and Terry Gulley.

  6. I still just think it's weird that KHOG will have little to no activity here in Fayetteville, the home of the Hogs.

    Hopefully KHOG will continue to cover news out of Fayetteville "the home of the Hogs" with the same diligence that they currently do, regardless of the actual studio location. I am disappointed to learn that KHOG would move one of their primary

  7. To follow up on the College issue, the state would never agree to the road being narrowed to 3 lanes would it, itk? I picture a major traffic nightmare if that were to happen. Unless drivers have a better alternative they will continue to use it regardless of the bottleneck it would be.

    When Dover Kohl did the Downtown Master Plan, narrowing College to three lanes with medians and turn lanes in the center was prescribed. The traffic consultant compared traffic counts for the stretch of 71B from 6th Street to Maple and compared it to the throughput numbers of a pedestrian friendly three-lane and the three lane actually won because turning traffic was better controlled.

    BUT... there was a lot of doubt by locals if the concept could be sold to the State no matter what the numbers said. There are conflicting high-level priorities. The city's goal is safety for pedestrians and sense of place; the state's goal move more autos faster.

    starting about page 6...


  8. I checked on this Thia and got a no and a surprised look. Where did you hear about this if you don't mind me asking?

    Hmmm... interesting. I had heard this more than once in the past year. The last mention was approx Oct. Let me backtrack on my source and see what I can find out.

    Strmchsr77 any chance you can talk the current owners into removing the facade and taking the building back to it's previous exterior? It would be nice.

  9. Here's a question about healthcare. Why is it that hospitals put signs up about having to pay up front before services will be rendered or signs about how this hospital sells services and products just like any other business and those services and products need to be paid for up front? The real question is why are there no menus posted listing what services and products cost like any other business?? If I want a hamburger the price is up on the menu. If I want a haircut or an oil change the price is plastered on the wall. Even the US post office and practically every business on the planet has prices listed somewhere. Law offices usually advertise their fees in the newspaper or phone book and have fixed fees for common legal services. SO how can hospitals and doctors offices expect payment up front without menus or without advertising their prices???

    Supply and demand. By the time someone who is ill or injured goes to a doctor they usually need to be fixed no matter what the solution costs.

    I'm torn on this issue.

    --If you were a medical professional would you really want your patients refusing some treatments based on $$ ?

    --But if given the information and option I'd definitely defer the $5 dollar aspirin, $50 ace bandage, and a zillion dollars worth of gauze.

    TIP: I've had the unfortunate opportunity to accompany two individuals to the ER in the past year. If you don't pay-in-full as you depart the hospital they will quickly negotiate about a 50% discount. I don't advocate shorting any business for full payment of services rendered but the quick offers made 1) the inflated prices, and 2) the desire to recoop some revenue, very obvious. (In recognition of the individuals that supplied the ER service: they were very good to their patients but the entire events were classically slowwwwww.)

    The US healthcare industry is messed up on many levels. But that

  10. I've brought this up before. I think many in Fayetteville are familiar with the AG Edward Building on the Square. If not I'll post a couple of pics. I thought I had one of the whole side but apparently I don't but I have a closer up shot to give you the idea.


    Now the original 1800's building is underneath this facade that was put on sometime around the 50's. I've seen an old postcard somewhere that showed the original building which looked rather interesting. I always thought it would be great if someone would restore that building back to it's original look. But I managed to find a piece of history. One one side, that's not visible unless you go to the right spot, It's been a while since I've seen that postcard but I seem to remember some small spires or something that don't seem to be around anymore. Perhaps they were removed when the building was given it's facelift. Anyway I thought it was interesting find that I wasn't expecting to see.

    Someone(s) is working on purchasing the building and intends to remove the facade and expose the original building. I don't expect a fast resolution but it's still a strong possibility.

  11. i was at the crown pub last night and was surprised to learn that the city doesn't provide recycling for bars. there's a tremendous amount of recyclables generated by the bars in town. i would have thought that something would have been done about that. does anyone know if there's been any efforts or talks about restaurant/bar recycling?

    Yes- the city has discussed it. But I really don't remember what the obstacle is or what the future plans are. Apartments also don't have a city sponsored recycling program.

  12. I don't think that there are more than one or two that live on that block of Lafayette anymore. Most residences have been demo-ed or turned into apartments.

    No there are not many old buildings left in that block. The church has been buying up and razing or moving them consistently for the past 5 or more years. It

  13. I really hate that all the Lindsey apartments look the same from the outside. Even the Cliffs on south 265 have the same character. All that changes is the exterior color and material. If you drive from West Fork to Rogers it seems like there are dozens of same-looking apartment complexes fronting 540. Sure some have more landscaping than the others but they are boring. I always wonder if visitors to the area think they are

  14. I forgot to mention this earlier. But some residents are trying to save a wooded area that's behind Evelyn Hills from being developed. I guess I'm beginning to be a little torn on this issue. While I certainly want greenspace preserved and think this greenspace is pretty nice I also want infill to help cut down on sprawl. So for me I guess there's a pretty fine line to walk preserving some of our greenspace while also allowing infill and increasing density. Anyone else have any opinions on this?

    The area they are trying to save as green space is worth saving if it is opened to the public. The location and terrain are unique and there could be possible drainage/watershed concerns if it was over developed. It's not just a common meadow or small forest; it has more character. On your next drive around Fayetteville seek it out and you will understand. It

  15. I'm coming up this weekend for the game. How are the leaves? Are they past peak already? If they're still pretty I may take 71 instead of 540.

    I travelled the 540 - 40 - 69 route today. The leaves are still hanging in there. I thought it was very pretty from NWA to mid-OK. Lots of gold trees mixed in this year. If it doesn't get too windy or pour down rain in the next few days you should still see lots of nice mountain views by Friday or Saturday. By the time you get to 40 & 540 you'll know if you want to travel up 71. Enjoy the Ozarks!! (We really live in a beautiful part of the country!!)

  16. I have it on very good word that XNA is going to start adding more flights. While we have lost many cities recently, this year is the first year that the airlines have begun to make money off flights, which means more flights. Hopefullly we can regain Detroit, Orlando, and possibly Las Vegas.

    Northwest Airlines still offers a non-stop from XNA to DTW.

  17. I didn't have time to post this yesterday but looks like they are trying to build a three story overlook tower as part of the Ruskin Heights development. Although I was disappointed after I initially started reading the article in the Northwest Arkansas Times. When they talk about putting a scenic overlook tower on the top of Mt Sequoyah, I'm thinking of the very top part. Ruskin Heights is closer to Mission, while it might be on Mt Sequoyah I don't really consider that being the top of Mt Sequoyah. Still I think it would be nice to have. I know we've mentioned in the past how having a little overlook tower near the cross would be great. During the wamrer months you can't see a whole lot because of all the trees and vegetation. Anyway I was a little surprised the Parks Advisory Board didn't seem to welcome this with open arms. One membner even mentioned they didn't think there should be an 'ugly' tower as part of a future potential park. Seems like an very interesting idea to me. We aren't talking about a huge tower. Anyway I'm hoping this goes through even if it isn't on the part of Mt Sequoyah I'd like.

    Doesn't Ruskin Heights have it's own topic yet? I bet it will earn one quickly. The guys are pushing this through without any delays so far.

  18. Hello all-

    Local F'ville girl here- Not forever from F'ville, but an Arkie forever. I have a question. I could spend all day reading to find out if this has been answered, but i already did that on some other forums. Who can tell me about Maison Sequoyah and then also the Lakewood development? I just ran across these spaces for sale on cbfaucette and I'm curious. I can't keep up. Also can't find a good website for Wellspring, though I've heard lots of rumors about pink houses and the such. Any comments? Also, the Greenhouse Grille is f'ville best new place to get fed. I love it!

    Greg House's condo development on Oive Ave, south of E. Dickson has been renamed Maison Sequoyah. I drove past and the sign out front has the new name. Cabinets are in and they are adding trim. The units have doors but no hardware. All the floor plans are the same except for the south building. Approx $250k for 1150 sqft... that's a lot of $$.

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