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Posts posted by tistic

  1. The fact of the matter is that while you may disagree with the prognosis that I have posted, you have not posted any reasons as to why that prognosis may be wrong except again to dismiss it as unwarranted naysaying.

    With a hotel deal signed, a contractor on board, with 150 or so purchasers committed with deposits, and with engineering and architectural schematics proceeding, the evidence overwhelmingly points to a condo tower soon to be built on this site.

    History shows that more developers build buildings for profit than build them to set height records. And economics demands that only an idiot would walk away from a project just because it has to be modified to suit the market demand. Meeting market demand is what developers do. Far from being an idiot, Tony is extremely bright. This project could conceivably wind up being a smaller than currently planned, but some version of it will get built--otherwise Tony and his team would be walking away from a pile of profit.

    Every project ever built had a start date announced. Virtually every project built had some construction delays. The choice is to positive or negative when those things happen.

    So it seems quite unwarranted, IMO, to predict the whole thing will fall through when all the ingredients are there for a project to get built, merely because of typical delays.

    At this point we certainly have more reasons to believe the boosters than the pessimists.


  2. Now that the new website has been posted, I thought I might share some interesting info on Signature Tower as my company is working on some of the engineering.

    Looking at my drawings:

    -Signature Tower is 1052' 2" above ground level, not sure if the 5 ft. difference from the press release is of any real consequence, but there you go.

    -From ground level to base plate (that is, the lowest level of the parking structure) is 110' 0". Base plate elevation is 386 ft. above sea level, while the Cumberland River pooling elevation is 385 ft. ASL, only one foot below. This will be the deepest building excavation ever in Nashville.

    -Sig has 9 parking levels, 1 primary service level, 70 above ground levels (60 single-story units and 5 2-story Townhome units), plus 1 rooftop mechanical level. In all, there are 81 accessible levels.

    -Speaking of elevators, Signature Tower has 15 of them in all. 7 Service elevators (3 serving the hotel, 2 serving the lobby and amenity levels, and 2 serving the residential tower levels), 2 Hotel Guest elevators, 3 Low Rise elevators serving floors 14-37, and 3 High Rise elevators serving floors 38-65.

    -Core construction is steel-reinforced concrete with steel supported reinforced concrete floorplates.

    Just some tidbits for your enjoyment.

    Based on the amount of work that's been put into the design of this building--it's ready to be constructed now save for geotechnical site studies and some wind tunnel load tests--it become fairly obvious that Tony Giarrattana is VERY SERIOUS about building Signature Tower.


    Thanks for the insider information Sean! VERY VERY COOL STUFF. Congrats to your team as well for what must have been a great deal of work. The building looks awesome!

    How long will the wind load tests take? Is that being done in Huntsville, or Tullahoma, or someplace else? Seems like years ago I heard of an engineer & architect team that used some of the aerospace industry's wind tunnels when they were working on a building. They put a scale model in a facility normally used for engineering aircraft to test how the wind would flow around a building. Anyway, very cool work. Thanks again for the great info...

    OH YEAH--

    Really glad you checked in at UP and gave some cool info. Here's another question for you. As far as you know now, will the Signature Tower have one or two cranes at the jobsite, and do you know what type they will be?

    Hope to see more posts from you soon!

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